Personal Advice

I have already stipulated in 'Why of Fashioning-Change' that managers and CEO's will be able to spread ideas, concepts and visions within their organization by themselves. They just need a simple and workable change theory with a useful and easy to use supporting tool.

However, in my recent face to face talks I noticed a particular need for different kinds of support, backup and advice. This is necessary even when they are fully equipped and have the necessary skills to execute the different stages of the Fashioning-Change Expert Guide.

Some managers are willing to pay for a project manager to do the hard labour of planning and organizing, but they insist that he or she has the necessary skills and experience with Fashioning-Change.

The above needs have led to a vivid discussion within the team, because the aim of Fashioning-Change was not to sell consultancy in the first place.

Different viewpoints have been discussed. In conclusion, we have all decided to offer a set of services that are in accordance with the mission and vision of Fashioning-Change.

dr. Stefan F. Mondelaers

What do you get from us

  • Services are 'on call' or 'at location' if needed.
  • In case a question does not require an hour, customers will get the possibility to buy a minimum of 0,5hr advice instead of a complete hour.
  • Customers will get professional advice by a trained team member or by a change expert team member in order to guarantee our high standard change quality level.

Change Management & Expert Guide advice: €125/Hr

  • Personal Helpdesk & Personal Advice
    How do I start? How can I translate my idea and change project to the Timeline of the Expert Guide?
  • Sanitary Check / Security Check Settings Stages: final quick scan as a back support for the change-owner.
    Purpose: to gain confidence whether the settings are well set.
  • Other support questions related to the Change Management & Expert Guide.

Emergency assistance during Catwalk & Mirror: €150/Hr

  • A team member ready to be deployed immediately, especially if needed as backup in an emergency
  • Someone is kept standby as support for the change-owner

Strategic Change Management advice: price on request

  • Personal advice about strategic challenges.
  • On call or at location of the change-owner
    At location travel costs have to be considered

Analytical — interpretation advice: price on request

  • Analyses and data-interpretation of the Expert Guide
    Dashboard, Quick Views and Expert Views
  • On call or at location of the change-owner
    At location travel costs have to be considered

Tell us more

Personal details

We know every step counts, so we make every effort to reply as quickly as possible. However, due to high contact volume we may require one business day to respond.